SCIE National Co-production Week – Breaking down the barriers to co-production 2-6 July 2018

This is an annual event which has taken place for the last 3 years. It has a social care focus but is relevant to all professions.

Co-production Week celebrates the benefits of co-production, shares good practice and highlights the contribution of people who use services and carers to developing better public services.

Co-production is about working in equal partnership with people using services, carers, families and citizens. Co-production offers the chance to transform social care and health provision to a model that that offers people real choice and control.

Breaking down the barriers

View full one hour webinarlink 1

This year we want to break down the barriers to co-production. We want people to tweet, email and blog about their experiences of barriers and the solutions they have used to break them down. Tweet using #coproweek or email 2


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